Non-Filed Tax Returns
Every day the massive computer center at the IRS is getting more sophisticated, it’s just a matter of time before they catch up with individuals or businesses that have not filed their prior year returns. This is not a situation to take lightly, failing to file your tax returns is a criminal offense. Let us give you the peace of mind you deserve by helping you get in compliance with the law by preparing your unfiled tax returns. If you voluntarily file your delinquent returns you’ll likely avoid further problems as well as minimizing penalties and interest.
If you wait for the IRS to file your returns for you, they are filed in the best interest of the government, usually with little or none of the deductions you are entitled to.
Before anything can be done to extract you from this predicament all the returns must be filed. You must be current. In most cases, you will likely owe taxes, interest, and penalties after the returns are filed. Once we see how much is owed, we’ll set a course of action to get you into compliance and back in good standing. We will also determine whether the unfiled returns were do to reasonable cause and not willful neglect, which could help us prepare a case for penalty abatement on your behalf, depending on your individual circumstances.
Sometimes, clients are pleasantly surprised to find they are due a refund after filing the late returns. If this is the case, we will make sure that the returns are prepared and filed timely so that potential refunds are not lost. Generally, a taxpayer that is due a refund must file the return within three years of the original due date of the returns or two years after the taxes were paid, whichever is later.
Please contact us for a free consultation to find out how we can help you become compliant with the IRS or state tax agencies by preparing your unfiled returns.